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Mood & Psychosis Spectrum


Lisa Furlong (PhD Candidate)

Elysha Ringin (PhD Candidate)

Georgia Caruana (PhD Candidate)

Reuben Dyer (PhD Candidate)

Allegra Micomonaco (Honours student)

Dr James Karantonis (Clinical Associate)

Rebecca Cooper (Research Assistant)

The Mood - Psychosis Spectrum Research Group aims to understand links between the brain, cognition and behaviour in bipolar disorder and related illnesses on the mood-psychosis spectrum. We focus on characterising neurocognitive and social cognitive functioning in these illnesses and ascertaining their mechanisms and moderators using behavioural, neuroimaging and neurobiological techniques.

ICoN-BD Study

ICoN-BD is short for 'Identifying Correlates of Neuropsychological functioning in Bipolar Disorder'. Using a combination of physical, neurological, clinical and cognitive assessments, this research project aims to get a better understanding of the reasons for the variability in thinking and emotional skills in people with bipolar disorder.


In doing so, this research will help us to better understand bipolar disorder itself, and to develop more effective and targeted intervention strategies for those that experience thinking skill and emotional difficulties

Key Publications

Van Rheenen TE, Cotton SM., Dandash O, Cooper RE, Ringin E, Daglas R, Allot K, Fornito A, Macneil C, Hasty M, Hallam K, Suo C, McGorry P, Yücel M, Pantelis C and Berk M. (2023) Evidence of increased cortical surface area but not altered cortical thickness in first episode mania. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 110687


Ringin E., Dunstan DW., McIntyre, R, Berk M., Owen N, Rossell SL., Van Rheenen TE (2023) Interactive relationships of Type 2 diabetes and bipolar disorder with cognition: evidence of putative premature cognitive ageing in the UK Biobank Cohort. Neuropsychopharmacology, 48, 362-370


Karantonis J, Carruthers SP, Burdick, KE, Pantelis C, Green M, Rossell SL, Hughes M, Cropley V and Van Rheenen TE.(2023) Brain morphological characteristics of cognitive subgroups of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders and bipolar disorder: a systematic review with narrative synthesis. Neuropsychology Review, 33 192-220


Ringin E., Meyer D., Neill E., Phillipou A., Tan EJ., Toh WL, Sumner PJ., Owen N., Hallgren M., Dunstand D., Rossell SL., Van Rheenen TE (2022). Psychological-health correlates of physical activity and sedentary behaviour during the COVID pandemic. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 100481


Van Rheenen TE, Miskowiak K., Karantonis J, Furlong L., Murray G., Rossell S.L. (2022). Understanding familial liability for emotion regulation difficulties in bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine, 52, 2614-2621


Karantonis, J. A., S. P. Carruthers, S. L. Rossell, C. Pantelis, M. Hughes, C. Wannan, V. Cropley and T. E. Van Rheenen (2021). A Systematic Review of Cognition-Brain Morphology Relationships on the Schizophrenia-Bipolar Disorder Spectrum. Schizophrenia Bulletin 47(6): 1557-1600


Furlong L.S, Rossell S.L, Caruana, G.F, Cropley V.L, Hughes M, Van Rheenen T.E. (2021) The activity and connectivity of the facial emotion processing neural circuitry in bipolar disorder: a systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 279, 518-548


Van Rheenen TE, Lewandowski KE, Bauer I, Kapczinski F., Miskowiak K., Burdick, KE, Balanza-Martinez, V. (2020). Current understandings of the trajectory and emerging correlates of cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder: an overview of evidence. Bipolar Disorders, 22:13–27


Van Rheenen T.E., Cropley VL., Wells R., Bruggemann J., Swaminathan V, Sundram S, Weinberg W., Jacomb I, Lenroot R, Pereira AM, Zalesky A, Bousman C, Shannon Weickert C, Weickert TW, Pantelis P. (2020) Cognitive Reserve Attenuates Age-Related Cognitive Decline in the Context of Accelerated Brain Ageing in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders. Psychological Medicine, 50, 1475-1489


Van Rheenen T.E., Lewandowski KE., Tan, E., Ospina, L., Ongur D, Malhotra A., Neill, E, Gurvich, E., Pantelis, C., Rossell SL., Burdick KE. (2017). Characterising cognitive heterogeneity on the schizophrenia – bipolar spectrum.  Psychological Medicine, 47, 1848-1864

Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre

Level 3, Alan Gilbert Building

161 Barry Street

Carlton, Victoria, 3053


©2023 by Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre.

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